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Computer Networks a Systems Approach 3rd Edition Solution Manual

Profile Image for Alejandro Teruel.

980 reviews 198 followers

Edited October 27, 2021

This is an excellent book and should be seriously considered as a classroom textbook or reference book for one or two introductory courses on computer networks for computer scientists, computer engineering or telecommunication engineers at an upper-division undergraduate or first year graduate level.

I taught a course on distributed systems back in the late 1980s and used Tanenbaum's book on networks as one of the key references to provide an introduction to the seven layers of the ISO/OSI network model. In the 1990s I put the field aside and devoted myself to parallel computation. While I remained vaguely aware of advances in computer networks, I recently wanted to find a book that would allow me to develop a better feeling for the field in the 2010s. This book, published in 2012 fitted the bill perfectly. It is very readable and its separation of some material into introductory and advanced levels is very sensible, for example for switching, routing, and internetworking (chapter three contains the introductory material and chapter contains more advanced material such as BGP, IP version 6 and multicasting) and transport protocols which are covered in chapters 5 and 6 in a similar way, leaving the fascinating but more advanced topic of TCP congestion control algorithms to chapter 6.

I particularly enjoyed the "where are they now?" sidebars which focus on the success and failure of specific protocols in the real world.

There is some unevenness in the depth of coverage of different chapters, but I think this is to be expected in such a rich field -for example, I got the impression that there is more algorithmic detail in the first chapters (say up to chapter five). I also liked the attention given to wireless networks and the all too brief section on routing for mobile devices.

Each reader will probably enjoy some chapter more than others, according to his tastes, background and interests. In my case I very much enjoyed chapter 3 (Internetworking), 6 (congestion control though I found the more advanced sections quite an effort), 7 (end-to-end data, that is presentation level protocols), and particularly 9 (applications, which covers protocols for electronic mail, multimedia applications, name service, network management, and overlay networks) -perhaps it is not coincidental that these are the chapters that the authors state contain major new or substantially updated topics in the fifth edition:

- Updated material on wireless technology, particularly the various flavors of 802.11 (Wi-Fi) as well as cellular wireless technologies including the third generation (3G) and emerging 4G standards.
- Updated coverage of congestion control mechanisms, particularly for high bandwidth-delay product networks and wireless networks.
- Updated material on Web Services, including the SOAP and REST (Representational State Trnsfer) architectures.
- Expanded and updated coverage of interdomain routing and the border gateway protocol (BGP).
- Expanded coverage on protocols for multimedia applications such as voice over IP (VOIP) and video streaming.
I felt chapter 8 (Network security) was one of the least successful, and did not quite hit the sweet spot between excessive detail and sweeping vagueness. I do not consider the section on firewalls sufficiently complete and the example systems were, in my opinion, dealt with far too briefly. In my copy of the fifth edition, the equations in chapter 2 are missing operators (multiplication, division, subtraction and addition signs) which is really annoying. Why this should happen in a fifth edition is beyond me (this is not new material!) and whether all fifth editions have the same problem or whether this happens only for copies typeset by diacriTech, India is beyond me.

Since I merely glanced at the exercises I will not venture an opinion on them, except to mention that the starred exercises certainly seem to be more for graduate than undergraduate students. I did not make use of the free downloadable network simulation software available for the book, although I confess I am still sorely tempted to try it out sometime in the future. The book includes loads of recommended further readings -the sheer amount will probably look excessively daunting for undergraduates and, at first glance -and I may well be mistaken here-, appear to favor key historical papers rather than more recent surveys of research work.

    computaciĆ³n usb
Profile Image for Dan Drake.

115 reviews 3 followers


Edited December 13, 2019
    February 17, 2010

    Textbook for computer networks course

    September 3, 2019

    This book roughly follows a bottom-up structure similar to Computer Networks. But instead of strictly traversing the OSI-TCP/IP network stack, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach is written from the perspective of systems, their components, and their requirements. This makes it easier to understand how they interact, and how that affects today's network(ed) applications. A downside of this approach is that the reader needs to put in more effort to create a mental model in which to place all this knowledge.

    I like the book. I think it would work well for a bachelor-level Computer Networks course. To improve further, I think the book could benefit from a larger focus on applications. Using one or multiple running examples throughout the book could make it easier to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different components and designs.

      computer-science teaching
    Profile Image for Alex.

    470 reviews 23 followers

    May 1, 2020

    I found this to be an extremely helpful overview of the topic as a reader with a reasonable background in general computing but very little background in networking specifically. While a few years old at this point, the edition does not feel particularly dated, and most of the core protocols described are still in use (or even more relevant than when the book was published, in some cases). Provides plenty of good references to more specific technical topics in each chapter to pick and choose from.

      computing technical-reference
    Profile Image for Tine.

    38 reviews 1 follower

    May 23, 2018

    Currently Reading

    January 1, 2009

    This is one of the best book while u are trying to make some understanding of computer network


      October 20, 2009

      More fun computer stuff..

        Profile Image for Joe Martin.

        363 reviews 12 followers


        April 17, 2010

        "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3rd Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking) by Larry L. Peterson (2003)"

          January 1, 2011

            Displaying 1 - 10 of 13 reviews

            Computer Networks a Systems Approach 3rd Edition Solution Manual
